FTW Podcast

Firefly Fan Theories

On this episode of FTW, our co-hosts Erik and James tempt the gods who control cancellation of shows by covering Firefly fan theories.  The theories range to why Firefly was cancelled to an overarching Whedon-verse.  Firefly holds a special place in the hearts of many nerds and fan theories are one way to keep the love of the show alive indefinitely.  As always, thank you for listening!

Submit your fan theories, topic suggestions, and comments to @fantheoryworld on Twitter or to

FTW Podcast

Overwatch Fan Theories

On this episode of FTW, our co-hosts, Erik and James, discuss the theories surrounding the fan favorite game of Overwatch.  Overwatch has become one of the most popular fps multiplayer games despite not having a definitive story line.  This has led to a lot of fan speculation on the history of its beloved characters.  Join our co-hosts as they discuss theories about a mad scientist dressed as an angel, baby-daddy issues and much more!

As Always, if you have suggestions for future episodes or theories of your own, you can reach us on Twitter @fantheoryworld or email us at  Thanks for listening!

FTW Podcast

Dragonball Fan Theories

In this episode, Erik, James and their guest Tom explore the multitude of theories on the Dragonball series. The Dragonball series has been the gateway into anime for many people and has laid the groundwork for many shows to come.  Join our co-hosts and guest in discussing theories including their favorite and the weird.

Have suggestions for future episodes or theories of your own? Find us @fantheoryworld on Twitter, or email us at  Thanks for downloading and subscribing!